ePortfolio 10

Learning Unit 6 (Part 1)

Traditional training methods for human resources have proven successful for many years. These techniques are useful and are used by many companies. These techniques require an experienced and dedicated human resource professionals to conduct them and make the tools useful for your trainees. To ensure complete success, a thorough and complete tracking system is very useful.

Presentation methods – One of the oldest and most traditional training methods is the lecture. Many of us are familiar with this form of learning, since it is a very common way to teach in today’s school systems. Various support tools are used, from charts and blackboards to PowerPoint slides and virtual meetings. Human resource associates learn and take notes while instructors present information and administer examinations. Materials are provided for reference, and students often learn in traditional classroom settings.

Hands-On methods – Hands-on methods require trainees to be actively involved in their own learning. Examples of hands-on techniques are role playing, on-the-job training, case studies, simulations, games and behavior modeling. With these methods, the student learns from following or watching the trainer and then performs the role play or simulation while the instructor observes. Immediate feedback and advice is given to the trainee and any corrective action is taken at that time. Participants ask questions at the end of the simulation and can immediately use their new skills.

Group Building methods – Team-building methods also are traditional training techniques for human resource associates. The goal of these methods is to build team relationships, ensuring greater success for the department and the trainee. Activities include games, simulations and challenges created for group interaction. Using a skilled facilitator, participants learn and interact together, forging important and lasting relationships. Associates learn how to work in teams and transfer this knowledge back to the workplace. Variations of team-building methods also extend to outdoor wilderness adventures and trust-building games.

Below is what I personally understand and wrote during the lecture:

Learning Unit 6 (Part 2)

Below is the overview of Modern Training methods: